About the application of sealing adhesive

Filling is to mechanically or manually inject a liquid epoxy resin complex into a device equipped with electronic components and circuits, and solidify it into a thermosetting polymer insulation material with excellent performance at room temperature or grafting. The primary concern is the filling process. The quality of the irrigation and sealing products is mainly closely related to the product structure design, component selection, assembly and filling materials used, and the filling process is also a factor that cannot be ignored. Epoxy resin sealing has two irrigation processes: epoxy resin and amine at room temperature curing sealing materials are generally used in low-voltage electrical appliances, mostly using normal filling; if epoxy resin and acid anhydride grafting is used for curing filling and sealing, it is generally used for filling of high-pressure electronic devices, and most of them are used in vacuum sealing process. At present, there are two most common methods: manual vacuum filling and mechanical vacuum sealing, and mechanical vacuum sealing can be divided into two cases: A and B components are mixed and defoaming before pouring, and then mixed sealing first. According to experts from the China Epoxy Resin Industry Association, the process flow is as follows: first, the manual vacuum filling process; second, the mechanical vacuum filling process, the package first mixed defoaming and then filling process, and A and B respectively defoaming and mixing and sealing process. In contrast, mechanical vacuum sealing, large equipment investment and high maintenance cost are obviously better than manual vacuum sealing process in terms of product consistency and reliability. No matter what kind of sealing method, the given process conditions should be strictly adhered to, otherwise it is difficult to obtain satisfactory products.

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